Rules For Success

As someone who has worked in corporate purchasing for several years, I’ll admit that the thought of Artificial Intelligence taking over my job was a bit horrifying. But instead of sprinting away in terror, I decided to take the bull by the horns and adapt to the AI trend. At first, I tried to make friends with a robot and encourage it to do my work for me. It turns out that robots aren’t great at negotiating with suppliers...

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I purchased a used Mini-Cooper recently and my experience went from obnoxious to delightful. At the first dealership. The salesman missed my test drive appointment. His boss had to show up. The car I tested screeched uncontrollably.  The salesman promised to fix the car “if I bought it” Come again?  The salesman phoned me an hour later pressuring me into reserving the car and sending a copy of my driver’s license.After...

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Last year I remotely managed five Digital Transformation projects at the same time. Most were Global and I facilitated five Steering Committees as well. Even if I was in the office, I still managed all the projects remotely. With a decent Wi-Fi connection and a quiet place, I could have done this on a beach! Of course, this has all changed now. The one exception was running business process mapping workshops. I prefer to do that in...

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When I was managing the Supply Chain Project team that consolidated the IT systems of 9 hospitals and 23,000 users, the first thing I asked for was to map out business processes.  This would provide all team members with an exact picture of business functionality and also make sure all the technical requirements were included as well. The main reason why IT projects fail are due to inadequate Business Process maps producing poor gap...

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I am currently looking for a contract as a Senior Project Manager. I was recently the IT Project Manager within a 400 million dollar Project and prior to that, at the highest level of consulting at IBM. I am incorporated and also have a second side business (I am experienced and very hardworking…see?).  You will see President and Founder now on my LinkedIn. How is my Job search going?  Job searching (or contract searching) is one of...

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Job searching is one giant unnerving roller coaster ride One of the biggest challenges in life is job searching. Whether you like it or not, our jobs define who we are in the eyes of others, and is our principal driver of meaning and purpose. How many times do you get asked what you do in life by strangers at a party? As much as you want to say “I am a peace loving libertarian”, people want to know what you DO. Job searching is one of...

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