The Path to Deep Well-being: Letting Go of What is Beyond Our Control

Posted By Terry Vermeylen

Lately, I have made a conscious effort to explore how to relinquish control over what is beyond my grasp – from my inner life, family, and community to the wider world and including my professional life.

This inner journey of releasing what is not in my control allows me to operate with increased calmness, clarity, focus, and opens me to a deeper sense of purpose.

For example, the constant barrage of negative news and social media can be a major obstacle to our journey towards letting go. It can lead us to feel overwhelmed, irritated, and powerless, worsening our tendency to hold onto things beyond our control. It’s crucial to be mindful of the impact of these external factors on our mental and emotional well-being and to limit them whenever possible.

Holding onto insignificant worries can be a burden that drains our energy, encourages anxiety, and traps us in a state of stagnation. It deprives us of experiencing the present moment fully and enjoying life’s simple pleasures.

The first step towards release is accepting that some things are beyond our control. The past has vanished, and the future remains uncertain, leaving the present moment as our only true possession. Rather than brooding over what we cannot change, we must focus on what we can control – our actions and reactions in the present.

  • Mindfulness, an indispensable tool in the art of letting go, is a practice that involves being fully present in the moment without any judgment. It enhances our consciousness of our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, thus allowing us to observe them with detachment. Through this heightened awareness, we can discern when we are clinging onto things that are beyond our control, and it empowers us to let them go with renewed calmness and conviction.  
  • Reframing our thinking is another potent tool that can unlock tremendous personal growth and progress. By deliberately shifting our focus from negative to positive opportunities, we can tap into our inner resilience and find peace even amidst chaos. And when we supplement this with self-compassion – a critical ingredient in the process of letting go – we can achieve a profound sense of liberation from self-doubt, blame, and shame.
  • Self-compassion is not only essential for us but also for our relationships with others, as it allows us to extend the same understanding and forgiveness towards them. Through self-compassion, we can let go of negative self-talk and instead embrace a kinder and more loving inner dialogue that can uplift and empower us.

True transformation takes time, and the journey towards a more peaceful and fulfilling existence demands that we cultivate mindfulness, reframe our thinking, and practice self-compassion with unwavering dedication. Yet, as we invest ourselves in this journey, we discover that the rewards are beyond measure. The path to letting go of what we cannot control is not an easy one, but it is a path that leads to the liberation of our spirit and the fulfillment of our soul.

In summary, I cannot overemphasize the essential nature of letting go of things beyond our control. It is the key to unlocking a happy and fulfilling life, applicable to both our personal and work lives.

I seek the deepest well-being. Experiencing deep well-being is the state of being fully present, content, and at peace with oneself and the world around you.

Terry Vermeylen’s dedication to mindfulness and self-compassion has not only improved his personal life but has also expanded his professional accomplishments.

By cultivating a mindset of growth and innovation he stays ahead in a rapidly evolving business landscape.