The Enlightening Lessons from My Extended Vacation

Posted By Terry Vermeylen

1. Opting for an extended vacation proved to be a wise decision. Unlike our pre-pandemic, week-long retreats, the additional days allowed for a deeper sense of relaxation. My smart ring’s data corroborated this, showing a significant uptick in my recovery and sleep quality in the latter part of the trip.

2. Given the year’s tumultuous nature, with the stress of buying and selling property, it’s become clear that allotting ample time for vacations is essential for maintaining work-life balance.

3. The vacation’s physical demands were a wake-up call. Ascending numerous steps and braving steep inclines under the sweltering heat tested my fitness levels. The experience was a reminder of the importance of sustaining a robust fitness regimen.

4. The rich taste of fresh Greek produce was transformative, inspiring a commitment to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet back home.

5. Moreover, the reduced engagement with social media during this period has been refreshing, and it’s a practice I intend to continue.

6. Planning for uncertainty is a lesson in itself. This vacation, scheduled over seven months in advance, could have easily been disrupted by unforeseen events. Indeed, life presented its challenges: one of our travel companions was affected by war back in his native Israel, and another’s mother suffered injuries during our stay. These events serve as poignant reminders that while we can’t control everything, the choice to embrace life’s possibilities, rather than retreating from them, is crucial.

Terry Vermeylen’s insights from both professional expertise and leisurely pursuits enrich his approach to consulting, advocating for a future where technology and well-lived life are in sync.