Project Management, Collaboration, and Emotional Intelligence: Key to Tech-Driven Business Success

Posted By Terry Vermeylen

“Project management is like herding cats.” – Unknown

I love having Project Management as a skillset. It’s having the ability of juggling flaming chainsaws while riding a unicycle. But when the project scope changes in the last minute, it’s like someone throws a bowling ball into the mix.

In today’s business landscape, if companies want to survive, they need to be more agile than a ninja on roller skates. Technology is the secret sauce to achieving this success, but only when it’s mixed in with the organization’s overall goals and objectives. That’s where good project management and collaboration between IT and business come into play – like a well-oiled machine, but with more human collaboration and less greasy hands.

By working together, IT and business leaders can ensure that technology initiatives are delivering value and supporting the organization’s strategic objectives.  A collaborative effort between the IT and business stakeholders can be likened to an ideal partnership, where each party leverages their strengths to drive the success of a project. And the PMO is like their headquarters, where they have all the tools they need to stay on top of things.

Centralize Success: The Key Benefits of a Company-Owned PMO for Consistent Project Management Practice.

A well-executed PMO is the ultimate superhero team-up, with the company and IT working together to save projects from chaos and confusion. By providing a single point of contact for project-related information, tools, and processes, a PMO ensures consistency in project management practices and eliminates the need for redundant efforts. It also facilitates better communication and coordination among project teams, stakeholders, and business units, allowing the PMO to effectively monitor and control project progress, manage risks, and allocate resources. In short, a well-executed PMO is the secret weapon for successful project delivery.

When a business doesn’t understand or appreciate a PMO office, it’s like showing up to a football game with a team of cheerleaders but no players. You might have the spirit and the pom-poms, but you’re not going to win the game without the right tools and strategy. Executing a project without a PMO is like trying to herd cats wearing roller skates – it’s a recipe for chaos, confusion, and a lot of scratching.

Turn visuals to reality: The importance of process mapping and testing in project success

Visuals speak louder than words, especially in project management. The process mapping workshop is where technology investment ideas become a reality, and the use of process maps helps to move the conversation from an emotional one to a fact-based one. This critical phase ensures that projects are aligned with business objectives and that everyone is on the same page to achieve the project’s goals.

Proper project testing is like a preventive medicine that helps to cure the project’s ills before they become fatal. The right testing methods can catch any potential problems in the product or service being developed, allowing subject matter experts to address them early on. This not only ensures high-quality deliverables but also saves the project team from unnecessary headaches and frustrations down the line.

Break the Silence : The Importance of Effective Communication in Project Management

Effective communication is not only important in project management but also critical to the success of any endeavor. Without it, a project can quickly become a game of telephone, where the message gets lost in translation as it is passed from one person to the next. Communication is the glue that binds everyone involved in a project, ensuring they are aligned towards the same goals. Clear and consistent communication is the key to ensuring that everyone involved in a project is on the same page, working towards the same goals, and aware of any potential roadblocks or changes in direction.   

Hot Potato: Navigating Emotional Challenges in Project Management for Successful Results.

High emotions in a project can turn it into a chaotic game of hot potato, with everyone scrambling to pass the responsibility to someone else. But with a solid understanding of project management fundamentals and emotional intelligence skills, project managers can keep their cool and lead their team through any challenge. By presenting objective facts and data, and working collaboratively with level-headed team members, projects can stay on track and achieve their goals, even in the face of high emotions.

The Unsung Hero: The Crucial Role of the CIO in Driving Business Success through Technology Initiatives

Finally, the CIO or IT VP’s comprehensive understanding of the company’s business processes from start to finish makes them an indispensable member of the board. Their insight and expertise enable them to ensure that technology initiatives are aligned with the company’s overall goals and objectives, providing real value to the business. Involving the CIO or IT VP in strategic planning and decision-making from the beginning is crucial to ensuring that technology initiatives deliver tangible benefits and are essential for the company’s success in today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving business landscape.

Terry Vermeylen has  project management as one of his skillsets and attributes his success and sanity to

  1. Not arguing with reality
  2. A sense of humour.