How to Design a Better Work Environment and Save Your Life

Posted By Terry Vermeylen

The way we work will be forever changed. Will you work from home more often?

Working from home can save your life. Do not get me wrong, I enjoy going into the office and having social contact with people. I also commuted into the office to run workshops over the past year. When I facilitate a Digital Design Conceptual workshop or Digital Transformation Mapping session, I like close and immediate collaboration. All this will change for the foreseeable future.

I want to now focus on the drastic differences of commuting Vs working remote.

When I commute into the office, I get up at 5:15 AM. This is to avoid the brutal morning traffic and horrendous afternoon rush hour. I usually pick up a BLT bagel at McDonalds. I can sit in traffic for more than 2 hours, inhaling exhaust, spending money on gas and piling up mileage. Often, I do not exercise these days and prefer a glass of wine after staggering back in the front door.

When I work remote, I can sleep (or exercise) until 6 or 6:30, eat a healthy breakfast, walk 20 feet to my office and workout in the afternoon as well. I may take a brief break to walk around the block to stretch my legs.

So, what are key pros and cons of working remote vs commuting?

  1. From home you will most likely get more sleep. Of all health improvements sleep is the King. Better sleep leads to controlling weight gain, stress, blood pressure, improved immunity (we really need this now) and even help fight cancer.
  2.  From home you will find more time to exercise. Exercise controls weight, multiple health conditions (diabetes, stroke, anxiety…etc). Exercise improves mood, energy, sleep and can be just plain fun.
  3. What does commuting do to your body? Your blood sugar, cholesterol, anxiety, and risk of depression can rise. Your fitness drops. Inhaling particles of exhaust will shorten your life.
  4. Commuting kills your car and the environment. You have a much greater chance of getting in an accident. You are polluting the environment. You spend money on gas and your car is depreciating.
  5. From home I can do chores at lunch. I can cut my lawn, get groceries, or do any quick chore, freeing up valuable week-end time.

As humans we crave social contact. I get that. And its not easy through Zoom or Skype. Neither are we robots built to produce non-stop at breakneck speed. But people are finding ways to find interludes of social bonding these days. Some companies spend a few minutes a day to discuss their favorite movies. We all want those little moments of bonding with co-workers. And we will figure out ways to do it. The phone call has made a big come back as well. People need more than a text during these challenging times.

I still want to meet face to face and facilitate workshops in a room with you. I really enjoy that aspect of consulting.  Just not now.

We will be forced to re-design how we work together for the next while, if not forever. Let us make it safe, healthy, productive, and fun.

Terry Vermeylen is President of Terry Vermeylen Enterprises and owns