Posts Tagged "find new career"

I am currently looking for a contract as a Senior Project Manager. I was recently the IT Project Manager within a 400 million dollar Project and prior to that, at the highest level of consulting at IBM. I am incorporated and also have a second side business (I am experienced and very hardworking…see?).  You will see President and Founder now on my LinkedIn. How is my Job search going?  Job searching (or contract searching) is one of...

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  “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life”. – Steve Jobs Career success is such an overused term because too many people magnify one factor...

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Enjoy the ride because your career will be a roller coaster. I sat with the psychologist asking him why I was stressed out after successfully speaking at a World Class Supply Chain Optimization and SAP Conference in Orlando. I expected doors to open, fantastic job offers and maybe even a throne made of gold to look down at my minions. I found it insufferable that I wasn’t being hailed as the next best thing since sliced bread. Then...

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When I found myself recently consulting the US Navy on how to improve their Supply Chain, it was another noteworthy peak in my career- as a consultant. In that brief consulting gig, I read reports addressed to the Secretary of Defense and during talks with the Navy the pentagon was mentioned as well as being “war time ready.”  So how did I get to this point in my career? I wasn’t one of those people that knew all along what I was...

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First a few questions. Are you self aware? Are you ready to let go of what work makes you feel empty and cynical? What work fulfills and excites you? What do you do better than others? And finally – if you won the lottery what would you do? What would you do if you had all the money in the world? It comes down to what fulfills and excites you, doesn’t it? Why aren’t you doing this as a career right now? Think about it and don’t let...

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